Friday, November 13, 2009

Feeling Good

I actually went to class today. Well two of the three classes. Apparently I'm not missing more than an assignment or two. I guess I could do my homework now. haha I have other things to do first! Heading to Tacoma first to REI then to go sell knives. I love my job. Then homework at either Borders or Denny's depending on how late it is.

Hopefully I'll actually do my homework there. Usually I get caught up in people watching and journaling everything. People are fascinating! They're really funny sometimes. I find that the more I people watch the better I get at predicting what a person is like. But then there is always that one person who totally throws me for a loop and I have no idea what to say. ha!

Back to the "Feeling Good," going to class was really boring, but I already feel better about the day. I need to work on doing things for principle instead of emotional thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. i love to people watch. dennys is cool too. im more of a ihop guy.
