Thursday, November 12, 2009

First For Everything

Have you ever discovered something about yourself that made you feel pretty good after? Ever started a new hobby or some kind of activity like underwater basket weaving, hiking or simply reading and you really enjoyed it or just happened to be really good at it? I've decided that I'm really good at thinking. Being away from home in my first year of college at Saint Martin's University, I have had a lot of time to think my own thoughts.

My English 101 class is really what started it all. We read a book called Sin Boldly! by David Williams which is basically about writing something you give a damn about. Most of my peers are really good at regurgitating the information our teachers give us when we write reports and make say what we think our teachers want to hear. Well, the book is sort of a slap in the face to that and talks about writing what you actually think. America is all about "freedom of speech" and individuality, but everyone seems to just go with the flow of mediocrity and do as their neighbor. I've always had my own voice, but I kept it to my self because I didn't want to be "that girl" with the crazy ideas. "I want there to be a computer in every home," Bill Gates.... Interesting. I guess my point is that from the beginning of September to now, I've discovered that thinking my own thoughts and sharing them occasionally is good.

When I think, I mean really sit down and think, it's like going over the edge of perfectly steep, snow covered hill on a sled. Once you start, you progressively get faster and the adrenaline gets pumping. Occasionally you meet a stump at the bottom when some moron interrupts the excitement with a phone call about god only knows what. But in any case, I love taking everything to the next level. Trying to what someone really means when they say something like "you're such a Nazi, abortion is a terrible thing," or "what's good Nigga?" or something really interesting, "what is foundation for the house that makes up your life?" People are so fascinating. There are so many thoughts, philosophies, analogies, stories, and experiences to be had. The hardest part is finding who you are and why.

My goal for this blog is to use it as a public journal of my daily thoughts. At some point, I hope all of them connect to help me find my purpose or life structure or whatever you want to call it. This blog is will my journey for the discovery of self. So cliche, I love it. I look forward to getting everyone's feedback and influences. =]

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